Thursday, October 27, 2016

Today I am going to talk to you about that one job that I would like have, yesterday I think in this, I would like be teacher of music, always I liked the music also I liked sing, in my family  all have some talent for the music. I think that is very difficult teach this discipline because I think that is very important use the sense like the audition and skill for the make the musical notes.
My major satisfaction would be that the children develop skill that in much circumstances don’t happen in the school in where give to place mayor time the mathematics our language, etc.  This is very important because help for the children discover us ability help also in us self-esteem. 
I can see that many people don’t have relation whit the art or whit the music, photographic, literature, these are the things that help to keep the connection whit the self because doing  this we can express ours thought and also ours feelings.

My sister plays the saxophone, battery and guitar and she sings but this she learn in the house whit me parents, but en the school me sister only teaches to her classmate’s. I liked that she can learn more instruments because she tells me that she loves the music and she would like to play in one concert.  


  1. Wow I love music to but I'm a little bad whit this :B maybe you could sing us someday jiji

  2. I never learn play any instrument, I hope maybe some day learn bajo guitar

  3. I love music too. I have always wanted to learn to play violin but I think that I am really bad on it.

  4. I like very much music too, but I don't know play any instrument except my voice haha, I like to sing too and I agree with you, art is very important in schools and for the people, and sometime I read that music is the food of the soul
