Thursday, December 15, 2016

Hello, I write about me semester in general.
This semester I could take optative subjects in my career, in these subjects I learned so much, I remember one time I went whit me classmates to the prison in colina 1, and we can know the center of work and study and we can know that is very important for the inmate opt for can work or finish the study and thus learn something that can help them.
We had the opportunity for to talk whit one inmate and know his experience, the job in the prison is one instance in when he can know who the job is and know his ability.
In other subject I can work whit one adolescent, I had interview for know aspect that his reality, and know how he mean his relations ship, how he integrates himself, etc.
I learned so much this semester, also I took one subject that psychoanalysis and in this subject we had work whit one children that have problems in the schools and generate hypothesis based on  the theory. I could generate one hypothesis, but I like I can help to this child, because I think that need help, I hope would to achieve in the future can help this child try to find a way to assist.

In addition in this semester I could be assistant in one subject named qualitative methodology, I can learn so much about the who build one investigation and thus know how important is generate them of implication social. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The activity it is very good to practice, that which difficult me is listening, still I can’t understand the language, I have that practice very much. I think that I have improve in the vocabulary, I have working in some guide of to learn English, and help me so much.
That which less difficult for me is the reading, is it that more I practice.  Even if, I used word reference for find the meaning of some word difficult more.

I continued practice for learn English good and soon, also that which difficult me is the order of the words.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Hello today I am going to talk to you about that someone that I don’t know if I admire but I consider interesting. This person is Michelle Foucault; I got to know about him when I was in first year of university in a class of psychology general. He was psychologist, theorist social and philosopher French. He was teacher in different university French and US; also he was professor of history of the system of through in the Collége de France.
He is well-known principally of his studies critical of the social institutions, in special the psychiatry, the medicine, the sciences human, the system of the prison, thus like for his work about the history of the sexuality human. His analysis about the power and the relationship in power, knowledge and discourse is discussed thoroughly.
If I had the chance to meet him, I would ask him if is necessary maintain the relationship of power to maintain the social structure, because I think that always one person can have more power or authority that other person, but this permit one social order, I think that this is a problem when the power is utilized for to reach some economic interest, politic or simply status.
Besides, I would ask him that think about the role of psychologist in the society, or in general of the social scientist, consider that we utilized one technical of power, like statistics, psychological test, etc. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hello! Today I am going to talk to you about of my favorite artist.
Me artist favorite is Amaia Montero, I discover she when I was going to the primary school, specific in the fourth basic.
I like because she sings in the team of music, called “oreja de van gogh” that from is Spain and is a group of pop-rock. Listinig to the songs is very nice for me, because I can remember when I am was little and I was sing in my house, as well as I remember when I sang in one festival of the song in one school of summer, I remember that I sang “Dulce locura” I got the second place (of the six participating), It was very nice.
But in the 2007 Amaia Motero separated from the group and she start like soloist, and well I thought that I didn’t like her song but it didn’t happen.
The piece that I more like is one song that the name is “El 28”, I love sing this song. I remember that one time I had one cd of this group, and I listened every day in my house.
Recently I don’t listen to their songs, but when I need relax or when I travel to me house I listen song of “oreja de van gogh” or song that Amaia Montero like soloist because his song are good.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Today I am going to talk to you about that one job that I would like have, yesterday I think in this, I would like be teacher of music, always I liked the music also I liked sing, in my family  all have some talent for the music. I think that is very difficult teach this discipline because I think that is very important use the sense like the audition and skill for the make the musical notes.
My major satisfaction would be that the children develop skill that in much circumstances don’t happen in the school in where give to place mayor time the mathematics our language, etc.  This is very important because help for the children discover us ability help also in us self-esteem. 
I can see that many people don’t have relation whit the art or whit the music, photographic, literature, these are the things that help to keep the connection whit the self because doing  this we can express ours thought and also ours feelings.

My sister plays the saxophone, battery and guitar and she sings but this she learn in the house whit me parents, but en the school me sister only teaches to her classmate’s. I liked that she can learn more instruments because she tells me that she loves the music and she would like to play in one concert.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Today I am going to talk to you about what I read ultimate, I read about the criminal feminist an article that the subject at university that is politic penitentiary, is a very interesting subject because en this I read about what  happens in Chile in the prison because the person always have an opinion about of the prison that is very wrong. This happen thanks to TV that only shows the prison like a place in that the persons have to pay for their  actions, and well this is very alarming, many people are in the prison for crime in that the cause is for motive of the problems about the social structure, like the economic inequality.
I realized one investigation in the subject legal psychology , and in this I found many studies that explain that exist a lot of correlation  between crime and the economic inequality . These were interesting and other thing that we considered interesting is that in Chile there aren’t studies that work this theme.

I hope continue kwon about this theme, because I liked work in the political public dedicate of the prison this help so much of our society y subject penitentiary and if I can contribution of the dialogue in deferent area. 
Today I am going to talk to you about a good friends of mine, her name is Maria Paz, I met in the first years at university when happen the welcome of the students of first years of psychology. I consider that she is a good friend for me because always to share moments nice, also we had the work together.
I think that they have in common is that we like talk about reflection of the life, reflection about of so much aspect that the life especially of subject psychology.
Recently we choose subject optional and this are very different, she like the psychoanalysis and I don’t like so I choose subject of other area so we don’t see every day like before, but always we find moment for share and can talk about our life.

Also we talk for telephone much time, something we see the series “the black mirror” is very good our we cook food vegetarian, I am not vegetarian but she yes. The last time we cook hamburgers of lentils. I remember that one time we sing at university in the celebration of spring this is other that we have in common, we love sing.