Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hello, I am Danitza Torrejón. I live in Llayllay in the V Región of Chile, Llayllay is a word that origin of de language mapuche "mapudungun" that mean wind-wind as well as in Llay-llay live almost 20.000 persons, is it a very serene place to live, even if the persons prefer go to this country I think that is it a place in that we can live in pace.

When I stay in Santiago I remember my days in the Llayllay, considering that is it a place where does not exist pollution or acoustic contamination. Also I can tell that I am student of psychology in the Universidad de Chile, degree in 3er year, I hope finish soon the university for I can make other activities different, as travel or I know other discipline of de sciences social.

Also I wish learn English, for I can have discuses whit persons of others country of topics and research of psychology of development, because is the area where I like work in the future.This is my first blog; I hope that you understand my text.Sometimes I think that English is it very difficult, but whit discipline and determination I can learn. 


  1. Llayllay looks like a great place to live. I wish we had such a great air here in Santiago!

  2. It seems a very peacefully place ( in the photo). I also want to learn english, with the intention of read sociological books and also travel for many countries.
