Thursday, September 29, 2016

Hello! Today I will write about that place that I did like to visit in the future. Always I will wish to visit Machu Picchu because in this place find the ruins of the culture Inca that built before of fifteen century in the south of Peru also this place is it in the list of heritage of the human for the UNESCO. Machu Picchu being a center cultural and ecological kwon as Sanctuary historical of Machu Picchu much evidence indicates that the agriculture practice of the 760 B.C. 

I hope visit this place someday whit me brother or maybe whit me friends, I kwon many people that visit and always us experience be fantastic.

This city Inca exist in the most summit of the mountain, when some people go to the ruins sometimes is very difficult breathe, is for this that some people sell sweet of coca, for do not feel giddiness. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hello, I am Danitza Torrejón. I live in Llayllay in the V Región of Chile, Llayllay is a word that origin of de language mapuche "mapudungun" that mean wind-wind as well as in Llay-llay live almost 20.000 persons, is it a very serene place to live, even if the persons prefer go to this country I think that is it a place in that we can live in pace.

When I stay in Santiago I remember my days in the Llayllay, considering that is it a place where does not exist pollution or acoustic contamination. Also I can tell that I am student of psychology in the Universidad de Chile, degree in 3er year, I hope finish soon the university for I can make other activities different, as travel or I know other discipline of de sciences social.

Also I wish learn English, for I can have discuses whit persons of others country of topics and research of psychology of development, because is the area where I like work in the future.This is my first blog; I hope that you understand my text.Sometimes I think that English is it very difficult, but whit discipline and determination I can learn.